NJP - HWH SHATABDI EXP - 12042 Train Time Table, Train Route and Schedule Enquiry

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat 562 Km

Train number 12042 is named as NJP - HWH SHATABDI EXP and travels 562km distance

Train departs from station NEW JALPAIGURI at 05:30 and reaches station HOWRAH JN at 13:45 [day 1]

Station Time of Arrival Time of Departure Dist. (Km) Day
NEW JALPAIGURI - NJP Src 05:30 0 1
KISHANGANJ - KNE 06:28 06:30 87 1
BARSOI JN - BOE 07:15 07:16 145 1
MALDA TOWN - MLDT 08:45 08:50 233 1
NEW FARAKKA JN - NFK 09:22 09:23 267 1
BOLPUR S NIKTN - BHP 11:17 11:19 415 1
BARDDHAMAN - BWN 12:16 12:18 467 1
HOWRAH JN - HWH 13:45 Dest 562 1


NJP - HWH SHATABDI EXP - 12042 covers 562 kilometer to reach destination.
NJP - HWH SHATABDI EXP - 12042 passes through 8 stations with scheduled stoppage.
NJP - HWH SHATABDI EXP - 12042 arrives at destination at 13:45.
NJP - HWH SHATABDI EXP - 12042 departs from source at 05:30.