SHANTINIKETAN EXP. - 12338 Train Time Table, Train Route and Schedule Enquiry

Daily 146 Km

Train number 12338 is named as SHANTINIKETAN EXP. and travels 146km distance

Train departs from station BOLPUR S NIKTN at 13:10 and reaches station HOWRAH JN at 15:40 [day 1]

Station Time of Arrival Time of Departure Dist. (Km) Day
BOLPUR S NIKTN - BHP Src 13:10 0 1
GUSKARA - GKH 13:26 13:28 19 1
BARDDHAMAN - BWN 14:14 14:16 51 1
HOWRAH JN - HWH 15:40 Dest 146 1


SHANTINIKETAN EXP. - 12338 covers 146 kilometer to reach destination.
SHANTINIKETAN EXP. - 12338 passes through 4 stations with scheduled stoppage.
SHANTINIKETAN EXP. - 12338 arrives at destination at 15:40.
SHANTINIKETAN EXP. - 12338 departs from source at 13:10.