JBP-NIR PASSENGER - 51703 Train Time Table, Train Route and Schedule Enquiry

Daily 123 Km

Train number 51703 is named as JBP-NIR PASSENGER and travels 123km distance

Train departs from station JABALPUR at 05:40 and reaches station NAINPUR JN at 09:40 [day 1]

Station Time of Arrival Time of Departure Dist. (Km) Day
JABALPUR - JBP Src 05:40 0 1
MADAN MAHAL - MML 05:45 05:47 3 1
GARHA GOODS SHED - GGGS 06:01 06:03 13 1
GUWARIGHAT - GRG 06:12 06:14 21 1
JAMTARA PARASWARA P - JPV 06:22 06:23 26 1
CHARGHAT PIPARIA P H - CRE 06:34 06:35 34 1
BARGI - BUQ 06:43 06:45 41 1
SUKRI MANGELA - SOY 06:59 07:01 52 1
KALADEHI P H - KDHI 07:09 07:10 55 1
DEVRI P H - DRPH 07:18 07:19 59 1
SHIKARA - SKY 07:33 07:35 67 1
BINAIKI - VNK 07:56 07:58 79 1
GHANSORE - GNS 08:14 08:16 88 1
NIDHANI - NDNI 08:24 08:26 95 1
PUTARRA P H - PRTR 08:35 08:36 103 1
PINDRAI - PDE 08:43 08:45 110 1
JEONARA P H - JONR 08:54 08:55 118 1
NAINPUR JN - NIR 09:40 Dest 123 1


JBP-NIR PASSENGER - 51703 covers 123 kilometer to reach destination.
JBP-NIR PASSENGER - 51703 passes through 18 stations with scheduled stoppage.
JBP-NIR PASSENGER - 51703 arrives at destination at 09:40.
JBP-NIR PASSENGER - 51703 departs from source at 05:40.