MB-RMR PASSENGER - 55321 Train Time Table, Train Route and Schedule Enquiry

Daily 76 Km

Train number 55321 is named as MB-RMR PASSENGER and travels 76km distance

Train departs from station MORADABAD at 07:35 and reaches station RAMNAGAR at 09:55 [day 1]

Station Time of Arrival Time of Departure Dist. (Km) Day
MORADABAD - MB Src 07:35 0 1
GOT - GOT 07:57 07:58 6 1
SEHAL - SEW 08:04 08:05 12 1
PIPALSANA - PLS 08:11 08:13 18 1
JALPUR - JLQ 08:21 08:22 24 1
ROSHANPUR - RHN 08:33 08:35 28 1
PADIYA NAGLA - PAQ 08:41 08:42 33 1
ALIGANJ - ALJ 08:49 08:51 38 1
KASHIPUR - KPV 09:05 09:10 49 1
GAUSHALA - GWS 09:20 09:21 61 1
PIRUMADARA - PRM 09:28 09:29 68 1
RAMNAGAR - RMR 09:55 Dest 76 1


MB-RMR PASSENGER - 55321 covers 76 kilometer to reach destination.
MB-RMR PASSENGER - 55321 passes through 12 stations with scheduled stoppage.
MB-RMR PASSENGER - 55321 arrives at destination at 09:55.
MB-RMR PASSENGER - 55321 departs from source at 07:35.