NZB-KCG PASSENGER - 57687 Train Time Table, Train Route and Schedule Enquiry

Daily 165 Km

Train number 57687 is named as NZB-KCG PASSENGER and travels 165km distance

Train departs from station NIZAMABAD at 14:25 and reaches station KACHEGUDA at 18:30 [day 1]

Station Time of Arrival Time of Departure Dist. (Km) Day
NIZAMABAD - NZB Src 14:25 0 1
SIRNAPALLI - SCP 14:54 14:55 30 1
KAMAREDDI - KMC 15:41 15:42 52 1
BHIKNUR - BKU 16:04 16:05 71 1
AKANAPET - AKE 16:29 16:30 78 1
MIRZAPALI - MZL 16:37 16:38 88 1
WADIARAM - WDR 16:44 16:45 95 1
SRINIVASA NAGAR - SHAN 16:49 16:50 102 1
MANOHARABAD - MOB 17:09 17:10 119 1
MEDCHAL - MED 17:22 17:23 133 1
BOLARUM - BMO 17:35 17:36 147 1
MALKAJGIRI - MJF 17:49 17:50 157 1
SITAFAL MANDI - STPD 17:59 18:00 160 1
KACHEGUDA - KCG 18:30 Dest 165 1


NZB-KCG PASSENGER - 57687 covers 165 kilometer to reach destination.
NZB-KCG PASSENGER - 57687 passes through 14 stations with scheduled stoppage.
NZB-KCG PASSENGER - 57687 arrives at destination at 18:30.
NZB-KCG PASSENGER - 57687 departs from source at 14:25.