GAYA-KIUL MEMU - 63324 Train Time Table, Train Route and Schedule Enquiry

Daily 129 Km

Train number 63324 is named as GAYA-KIUL MEMU and travels 129km distance

Train departs from station GAYA JN at 22:25 and reaches station KIUL JN at 03:40 [day 2]

Station Time of Arrival Time of Departure Dist. (Km) Day
GAYA JN - GAYA Src 22:25 0 1
MANPUR JN - MPO 22:43 22:44 5 1
PAIMAR - PMI 22:53 22:55 12 1
KARJARA - KRJR 23:01 23:03 16 1
WAZERGANJ - WZJ 23:13 23:15 23 1
JAMUAWAN - JMN 23:24 23:25 30 1
MANJHWE - MZW 23:29 23:30 32 1
TILAYA - TIA 23:40 23:42 41 1
CHATAR HALT - CTHT 23:51 23:52 50 1
NAWADAH - NWD 00:15 00:20 59 2
BAGHI BARDIHA - BBE 00:29 00:30 70 2
WARIS ALEGANJ - WRS 00:39 00:41 77 2
BAGHI GHAUSPUR - BFX 00:50 00:51 83 2
KASHI CHAK - KSC 00:58 01:00 88 2
DERGAON HALT - DGNH 01:06 01:07 91 2
KASTLA KASMABAD - KSMB 01:12 01:13 96 2
SHEIKPURA - SHK 01:21 01:23 103 2
EKSARI HALT - EKH 01:30 01:31 107 2
SIRARI - SRY 01:38 01:40 113 2
GARSANDA HALT - GSDH 01:49 01:50 119 2
LUCKEESARAI JN - LKR 02:10 02:12 128 2
KIUL JN - KIUL 03:40 Dest 129 2


GAYA-KIUL MEMU - 63324 covers 129 kilometer to reach destination.
GAYA-KIUL MEMU - 63324 passes through 22 stations with scheduled stoppage.
GAYA-KIUL MEMU - 63324 arrives at destination at 03:40.
GAYA-KIUL MEMU - 63324 departs from source at 22:25.