KAP-LKO MEMU - 64214 Train Time Table, Train Route and Schedule Enquiry

Daily 86 Km

Train number 64214 is named as KAP-LKO MEMU and travels 86km distance

Train departs from station KALIANPUR at 17:45 and reaches station LUCKNOWJN at 20:00 [day 1]

Station Time of Arrival Time of Departure Dist. (Km) Day
KALIANPUR - KAP Src 17:45 0 1
RAWATPUR - RPO 17:50 17:51 5 1
KANPUR ANWRGANJ - CPA 18:04 18:05 10 1
KANPUR CENTRAL - CNB 18:16 18:18 12 1
KANPUR BGE L BK - CPB 18:26 18:27 16 1
MAGARWARA - MGW 18:33 18:34 23 1
UNNAO JN - ON 18:41 18:42 29 1
SONIK - SIC 18:49 18:50 38 1
AJGAIN - AJ 18:57 18:58 45 1
KUSUMBHI - KVX 19:01 19:02 49 1
JAITIPUR - JTU 19:06 19:07 53 1
HARAUNI - HRN 19:15 19:16 61 1
PIPARSAND - POF 19:22 19:23 67 1
AMAUSI - AMS 19:28 19:29 73 1
LUCKNOWJN - LJN 20:00 Dest 86 1


KAP-LKO MEMU - 64214 covers 86 kilometer to reach destination.
KAP-LKO MEMU - 64214 passes through 15 stations with scheduled stoppage.
KAP-LKO MEMU - 64214 arrives at destination at 20:00.
KAP-LKO MEMU - 64214 departs from source at 17:45.