ROK-NDLS MEMU - 64912 Train Time Table, Train Route and Schedule Enquiry

Daily 71 Km

Train number 64912 is named as ROK-NDLS MEMU and travels 71km distance

Train departs from station ROHTAK JN at 07:10 and reaches station NEW DELHI at 09:15 [day 1]

Station Time of Arrival Time of Departure Dist. (Km) Day
ROHTAK JN - ROK Src 07:10 0 1
ASTHAL BOHAR - ABO 07:16 07:17 6 1
KHARAWAR - KRZ 07:23 07:24 12 1
ISMAILA HARYANA - ISM 07:31 07:32 19 1
SAMPLA - SPZ 07:37 07:38 22 1
ROHEDNAGAR HALT - ROHN 07:43 07:44 27 1
ASAUDAH - ASE 07:50 07:51 32 1
BAHADURGARH - BGZ 07:59 08:00 40 1
GHEVRA - GHE 08:07 08:08 47 1
MUNDKA - MQC 08:12 08:13 50 1
NANGLOI - NNO 08:17 08:18 53 1
MANGOLPURI - MGLP 08:23 08:24 56 1
SHAKURBASTI - SSB 08:33 08:34 60 1
DAYABASTI - DBSI 08:42 08:43 64 1
VIVEKANAND PURI HALT - VVKP 08:46 08:47 65 1
DELHI KISHANGNJ - DKZ 08:51 08:52 67 1
NEW DELHI - NDLS 09:15 Dest 71 1


ROK-NDLS MEMU - 64912 covers 71 kilometer to reach destination.
ROK-NDLS MEMU - 64912 passes through 17 stations with scheduled stoppage.
ROK-NDLS MEMU - 64912 arrives at destination at 09:15.
ROK-NDLS MEMU - 64912 departs from source at 07:10.