KETI-DURG DEMU - 78818 Train Time Table, Train Route and Schedule Enquiry

Daily 129 Km

Train number 78818 is named as KETI-DURG DEMU and travels 129km distance

Train departs from station KEOTI at 13:20 and reaches station DURG at 16:10 [day 1]

Station Time of Arrival Time of Departure Dist. (Km) Day
KEOTI - KETI Src 13:20 0 1
BHANUPRATAPPUR - BPTP 13:29 13:30 8 1
GUDUM P H - GUDM 13:45 13:46 25 1
SALHAITOLA P H - SHIT 13:55 13:56 32 1
DALLI RAJHARA - DRZ 14:08 14:10 42 1
KUSUMKASA - KYS 14:16 14:17 48 1
BHAINSBODH P H - BSBH 14:24 14:25 56 1
BALOD - BXA 14:35 14:38 66 1
LATABOR - LBO 14:47 14:48 76 1
SIKOSA P H - SKSO 14:55 14:56 84 1
GUNDERDEHI - GDZ 15:04 15:05 93 1
RISAMA - RSA 15:15 15:16 105 1
PAUWARA P H - PUWA 15:21 15:22 110 1
MARAUDA - MXA 15:35 15:45 118 1
DURG - DURG 16:10 Dest 129 1


KETI-DURG DEMU - 78818 covers 129 kilometer to reach destination.
KETI-DURG DEMU - 78818 passes through 15 stations with scheduled stoppage.
KETI-DURG DEMU - 78818 arrives at destination at 16:10.
KETI-DURG DEMU - 78818 departs from source at 13:20.