CUR RTGH SPL - 04854 Train Time Table, Train Route and Schedule Enquiry

Daily 122 Km

Train number 04854 is named as CUR RTGH SPL and travels 122km distance

Train departs from station LOHARU at 04:20 and reaches station SIKAR JN at 06:50 [day 1]

Station Time of Arrival Time of Departure Dist. (Km) Day
LOHARU - LHU Src 04:20 0 1
SURAJGARH - SRGH 04:35 04:37 17 1
CHIRAWA - CRWA 04:48 04:50 29 1
RATAN SHAHR - RSH 05:04 05:06 43 1
JHUNJHUNUN - JJN 05:19 05:21 57 1
NUA - NUA 05:32 05:34 69 1
DUNDLOD MKDGRH - DOB 05:47 05:49 84 1
BALWANT PURA CHELASI - BWPL 05:58 05:59 90 1
NAWALGARH - NWH 06:04 06:06 94 1
SIKAR JN - SIKR 06:50 Dest 122 1


CUR RTGH SPL - 04854 covers 122 kilometer to reach destination.
CUR RTGH SPL - 04854 passes through 10 stations with scheduled stoppage.
CUR RTGH SPL - 04854 arrives at destination at 06:50.
CUR RTGH SPL - 04854 departs from source at 04:20.