KUR-PURI PASS - 58403 Train Time Table, Train Route and Schedule Enquiry

Daily 44 Km

Train number 58403 is named as KUR-PURI PASS and travels 44km distance

Train departs from station KHURDA ROAD JN at 07:20 and reaches station PURI at 08:55 [day 1]

Station Time of Arrival Time of Departure Dist. (Km) Day
KHURDA ROAD JN - KUR Src 07:20 0 1
HARIPUR GRAM - HPGM 07:27 07:28 3 1
MOTARI HALT - MWQ 07:34 07:35 8 1
KANAS ROAD - KASR 07:40 07:41 11 1
DELANG - DEG 07:46 07:47 16 1
JENAPUR ROAD - JPRD 07:51 07:52 19 1
BIRPURUSOTHAMPR - BRST 07:56 07:57 22 1
SAKHI GOPAL - SIL 08:09 08:10 28 1
JANKIDAIPUR - JKDP 08:15 08:16 34 1
MALATIPATPUR - MLT 08:21 08:22 37 1
PURI - PURI 08:55 Dest 44 1


KUR-PURI PASS - 58403 covers 44 kilometer to reach destination.
KUR-PURI PASS - 58403 passes through 11 stations with scheduled stoppage.
KUR-PURI PASS - 58403 arrives at destination at 08:55.
KUR-PURI PASS - 58403 departs from source at 07:20.