PASSENGER - 54321 Train Time Table, Train Route and Schedule Enquiry

Daily 64 Km

Train number 54321 is named as PASSENGER and travels 64km distance

Train departs from station BALAMU JN at 07:45 and reaches station SITAPUR at 12:30 [day 1]

Station Time of Arrival Time of Departure Dist. (Km) Day
BALAMU JN - BLM Src 07:45 0 1
GAJU HALT - GAJU 07:54 07:55 4 1
ARSENI - ASI 08:03 08:04 9 1
ATWA MUTHIA HALT - ATW 08:12 08:13 13 1
BENIGANJ - BEJ 08:22 08:24 18 1
NAIMISHARANYA - NM 08:35 08:40 26 1
GHORI HALT - GHRI 08:54 08:55 31 1
MISRIKH TIRATH - MSTH 09:00 09:05 35 1
BARMI - BRMX 09:19 09:20 41 1
RAMKOT - RAK 09:32 09:34 48 1
SITAPUR CITY - SPC 10:10 12:00 60 1
SITAPUR KUTHCERY HAL - STRK 12:13 12:14 63 1
SITAPUR - STP 12:30 Dest 64 1


PASSENGER - 54321 covers 64 kilometer to reach destination.
PASSENGER - 54321 passes through 13 stations with scheduled stoppage.
PASSENGER - 54321 arrives at destination at 12:30.
PASSENGER - 54321 departs from source at 07:45.