PRR-ASN MEMU PGR - 63593 Train Time Table, Train Route and Schedule Enquiry

Daily 81 Km

Train number 63593 is named as PRR-ASN MEMU PGR and travels 81km distance

Train departs from station PURULIA JN at 14:05 and reaches station ASANSOL JN at 16:45 [day 1]

Station Time of Arrival Time of Departure Dist. (Km) Day
PURULIA JN - PRR Src 14:05 0 1
CHHARRA - CHRA 14:12 14:13 7 1
KUSHTAUR - KSU 14:18 14:19 12 1
BAGALIA - BGA 14:25 14:26 20 1
ANARA - ANR 14:35 14:36 26 1
GARH DHRUBESWAR - GRB 14:44 14:45 32 1
ADRA JN - ADRA 15:00 15:30 39 1
JOYCHANDI PAHAR - JOC 15:41 15:42 44 1
BERO - BERO 15:48 15:49 49 1
RAMKANALI JN - RKI 15:57 15:58 54 1
MURADI - MDF 16:03 16:04 60 1
MADHUKUNDA - MDKD 16:10 16:11 67 1
DAMODAR JN - DMA 16:17 16:18 72 1
BURNPUR - BURN 16:27 16:28 76 1
ASANSOL JN - ASN 16:45 Dest 81 1


PRR-ASN MEMU PGR - 63593 covers 81 kilometer to reach destination.
PRR-ASN MEMU PGR - 63593 passes through 15 stations with scheduled stoppage.
PRR-ASN MEMU PGR - 63593 arrives at destination at 16:45.
PRR-ASN MEMU PGR - 63593 departs from source at 14:05.