SA-KRR DMU - 06834 Train Time Table, Train Route and Schedule Enquiry

Fri 193 Km

Train number 06834 is named as SA-KRR DMU and travels 193km distance

Train departs from station BRAHMAPUR at 16:00 and reaches station CUTTACK at 20:00 [day 1]

Station Time of Arrival Time of Departure Dist. (Km) Day
BRAHMAPUR - BAM Src 16:00 0 1
CHATRAPUR - CAP 16:14 16:16 21 1
KHALLIKOT - KIT 16:42 16:44 59 1
CHILKA - CLKA 16:53 16:55 69 1
BALUGAN - BALU 17:03 17:05 76 1
KALUPARA GHAT - KAPG 17:31 17:33 104 1
BHUSANDPUR - BSDP 17:43 17:45 113 1
NIRAKARPUR - NKP 17:51 17:53 121 1
KHURDA ROAD JN - KUR 18:20 18:25 147 1
BHUBANESWAR - BBS 18:55 19:00 166 1
CUTTACK - CTC 20:00 Dest 193 1


SA-KRR DMU - 06834 covers 193 kilometer to reach destination.
SA-KRR DMU - 06834 passes through 11 stations with scheduled stoppage.
SA-KRR DMU - 06834 arrives at destination at 20:00.
SA-KRR DMU - 06834 departs from source at 16:00.