SBC-DPJ PASS - 76553 Train Time Table, Train Route and Schedule Enquiry

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat 150 Km

Train number 76553 is named as SBC-DPJ PASS and travels 150km distance

Train departs from station KSR BENGALURU at 18:30 and reaches station DHARMAPURI at 21:40 [day 1]

Station Time of Arrival Time of Departure Dist. (Km) Day
KSR BENGALURU - SBC Src 18:30 0 1
BANGALORE CANT - BNC 18:40 18:41 4 1
BANGALORE EAST - BNCE 18:50 18:51 7 1
BAIYYAPPANAHALI - BYPL 18:55 18:56 11 1
BELANDUR ROAD - BLRR 19:04 19:05 21 1
CARMELARAM - CRLM 19:07 19:08 23 1
HEELALIGE - HLE 19:15 19:16 33 1
ANEKAL ROAD - AEK 19:23 19:24 44 1
HOSUR - HSRA 19:35 19:36 58 1
KELAMANGALAM - KMLM 19:47 19:48 72 1
PERIYANAGA THUMAI - PRNT 19:57 19:58 81 1
RAYAKKOTTAI - RYC 20:14 20:15 97 1
MARANDAHALLI - MZU 20:29 20:30 115 1
PALAKKODU - PCV 20:41 20:42 128 1
DHARMAPURI - DPJ 21:40 Dest 150 1


SBC-DPJ PASS - 76553 covers 150 kilometer to reach destination.
SBC-DPJ PASS - 76553 passes through 15 stations with scheduled stoppage.
SBC-DPJ PASS - 76553 arrives at destination at 21:40.
SBC-DPJ PASS - 76553 departs from source at 18:30.