SBG-BGP PASSENGER - 53037 Train Time Table, Train Route and Schedule Enquiry

Daily 75 Km

Train number 53037 is named as SBG-BGP PASSENGER and travels 75km distance

Train departs from station SAHIBGANJ JN at 08:45 and reaches station BHAGALPUR at 11:00 [day 1]

Station Time of Arrival Time of Departure Dist. (Km) Day
SAHIBGANJ JN - SBG Src 08:45 0 1
KARAMTOLA - KRMA 08:55 08:56 9 1
MIRZA CHEUKI - MZC 09:04 09:05 15 1
AMMAPALLI HALT - AMPL 09:10 09:11 19 1
PIRPAINTI - PPT 09:17 09:18 24 1
LING KOTTURU - LKB 09:25 09:26 28 1
SHIVANARAYANPUR - SVRP 09:33 09:34 33 1
BIKRAMSHILA - BKSL 09:42 09:43 38 1
KAHALGAON - CLG 10:07 10:08 44 1
EKCHARI - EKC 10:14 10:15 49 1
GHOGA - GGA 10:22 10:23 54 1
LAILAKH MAMLKHA - LMM 10:31 10:32 60 1
SABAUR - SBO 10:44 10:45 67 1
BHAGALPUR - BGP 11:00 Dest 75 1


SBG-BGP PASSENGER - 53037 covers 75 kilometer to reach destination.
SBG-BGP PASSENGER - 53037 passes through 14 stations with scheduled stoppage.
SBG-BGP PASSENGER - 53037 arrives at destination at 11:00.
SBG-BGP PASSENGER - 53037 departs from source at 08:45.