SCT-MDU PASS. - 56736 Train Time Table, Train Route and Schedule Enquiry

Daily 173 Km

Train number 56736 is named as SCT-MDU PASS. and travels 173km distance

Train departs from station SENGOTTAI at 15:50 and reaches station MADURAI JN at 19:30 [day 1]

Station Time of Arrival Time of Departure Dist. (Km) Day
SENGOTTAI - SCT Src 15:50 0 1
TENKASI JN - TSI 16:03 16:05 8 1
KADAYANALLUR - KDNL 16:17 16:18 24 1
PMBAKVL SHANDY - PBKS 16:29 16:30 33 1
SANKARANKOVIL - SNKL 16:42 16:43 45 1
RAJAPALAYAM - RJPM 17:05 17:06 77 1
SRIVILLIPUTTUR - SVPR 17:17 17:18 89 1
SIVAKASI - SVKS 17:32 17:33 106 1
TIRUTTANGAL - TTL 17:39 17:40 109 1
VIRUDUNAGAR JN - VPT 18:03 18:05 130 1
KALLIGUDI - KGD 18:15 18:16 141 1
TIRUMANGALAM - TMQ 18:27 18:28 156 1
TIRUPARANKNDRM - TDN 18:39 18:40 166 1
MADURAI JN - MDU 19:30 Dest 173 1


SCT-MDU PASS. - 56736 covers 173 kilometer to reach destination.
SCT-MDU PASS. - 56736 passes through 14 stations with scheduled stoppage.
SCT-MDU PASS. - 56736 arrives at destination at 19:30.
SCT-MDU PASS. - 56736 departs from source at 15:50.