GUNA-BINA PASSENGER - 51610 Train Time Table, Train Route and Schedule Enquiry
118 Km
Train number 51610 is named as GUNA-BINA PASSENGER and travels 118km distance
Train departs from station GUNA at 18:55 and reaches station BINA JN at 21:55 [day 1]
Station | Time of Arrival | Time of Departure | Dist. (Km) | Day | |||||
GUNA - GUNA | Src | 18:55 | 0 | 1 | ||||
MABAN - MABN | 19:01 | 19:02 | 6 | 1 | ||||
PAGARA - PGA | 19:10 | 19:12 | 13 | 1 | ||||
PILIGHAT - PIGT | 19:19 | 19:20 | 19 | 1 | ||||
SHADHORAGAON - SHDR | 19:29 | 19:30 | 29 | 1 | ||||
RATIKHEDA - RIKA | 19:39 | 19:40 | 36 | 1 | ||||
ASHOK NAGAR - ASKN | 19:47 | 19:49 | 44 | 1 | ||||
HINOTIA PIPALKHERA - HPKA | 19:58 | 19:59 | 53 | 1 | ||||
ORR - ORR | 20:05 | 20:06 | 57 | 1 | ||||
RAHATWAS - RTWS | 20:14 | 20:15 | 61 | 1 | ||||
PIPRAIGAON - PIA | 20:23 | 20:24 | 70 | 1 | ||||
GUNERU BAMORI - GVB | 20:36 | 20:37 | 82 | 1 | ||||
MUNGAOLI - MNV | 20:45 | 20:47 | 90 | 1 | ||||
KANJAI - KXB | 20:56 | 20:58 | 98 | 1 | ||||
SEMARKHERI - SRKI | 21:05 | 21:06 | 106 | 1 | ||||
MAHADEOKHEDI - MDVK | 21:13 | 21:14 | 111 | 1 | ||||
BINA JN - BINA | 21:55 | Dest | 118 | 1 |
GUNA-BINA PASSENGER - 51610 covers 118 kilometer to reach destination.
GUNA-BINA PASSENGER - 51610 passes through 17 stations with scheduled stoppage.
GUNA-BINA PASSENGER - 51610 arrives at destination at 21:55.
GUNA-BINA PASSENGER - 51610 departs from source at 18:55.