GMO-SNDT PASSENGER - 53328 Train Time Table, Train Route and Schedule Enquiry

Daily 57 Km

Train number 53328 is named as GMO-SNDT PASSENGER and travels 57km distance

Train departs from station NSC BOSE J GOMO at 16:15 and reaches station SINDRI TOWN at 18:30 [day 1]

Station Time of Arrival Time of Departure Dist. (Km) Day
NSC BOSE J GOMO - GMO Src 16:15 0 1
MATARI - MRQ 16:23 16:24 9 1
NICHITPUR - NPJE 16:31 16:32 15 1
TETULMARI - TET 16:39 16:40 20 1
BHULI - BHN 16:47 16:48 26 1
DHANBAD JN - DHN 17:00 17:05 29 1
DOKRA HALT - DOKM 17:12 17:13 34 1
PRADHANKHUNTA - PKA 17:27 17:28 39 1
RAKHITPUR - RKJE 17:39 17:40 45 1
SINDRI B H - SDBH 17:51 17:52 52 1
SINDRI MARSHALLING Y - SNMY 18:02 18:03 55 1
SINDRI TOWN - SNDT 18:30 Dest 57 1


GMO-SNDT PASSENGER - 53328 covers 57 kilometer to reach destination.
GMO-SNDT PASSENGER - 53328 passes through 12 stations with scheduled stoppage.
GMO-SNDT PASSENGER - 53328 arrives at destination at 18:30.
GMO-SNDT PASSENGER - 53328 departs from source at 16:15.