NDL-KRNT DEMU - 77695 Train Time Table, Train Route and Schedule Enquiry

Sun, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat 129 Km

Train number 77695 is named as NDL-KRNT DEMU and travels 129km distance

Train departs from station NANDYAL at 06:00 and reaches station KURNOOL CITY at 10:15 [day 1]

Station Time of Arrival Time of Departure Dist. (Km) Day
NANDYAL - NDL Src 06:00 0 1
PANYAM - PNM 06:14 06:15 14 1
KRISHNAMA KONA - KEF 06:24 06:25 25 1
B CEMENT NAGAR - BEY 06:34 06:35 33 1
BETAMCHERLA - BMH 06:49 06:50 40 1
RANGAPURAM - RGM 07:04 07:05 51 1
MALKAPURAM - MLK 07:14 07:15 63 1
DHONE - DHNE 08:00 08:05 76 1
BOGOLU - BVO 08:14 08:15 85 1
VELDURTI - VDI 08:19 08:20 95 1
ULINDAKONDA - UKD 08:24 08:25 107 1
DUPADU - DUU 08:54 08:55 119 1
KOTLA H - KOLA 09:19 09:20 127 1
KURNOOL CITY - KRNT 10:15 Dest 129 1


NDL-KRNT DEMU - 77695 covers 129 kilometer to reach destination.
NDL-KRNT DEMU - 77695 passes through 14 stations with scheduled stoppage.
NDL-KRNT DEMU - 77695 arrives at destination at 10:15.
NDL-KRNT DEMU - 77695 departs from source at 06:00.