LPI-SC - 47195 Train Time Table, Train Route and Schedule Enquiry

Daily 23 Km

Train number 47195 is named as LPI-SC and travels 23km distance

Train departs from station LINGAMPALLI at 22:25 and reaches station SECUNDERABAD JN at 23:20 [day 1]

Station Time of Arrival Time of Departure Dist. (Km) Day
LINGAMPALLI - LPI Src 22:25 0 1
CHANDANAGAR - CDNR 22:28 22:29 2 1
HAFIZPETA - HFZ 22:33 22:34 5 1
HITECH CITY - HTCY 22:37 22:38 8 1
BORABANDA - BRBD 22:39 22:40 11 1
BHARTNAGAR - BTNR 22:41 22:42 13 1
FETH NAGAR - FNB 22:44 22:45 16 1
NATURE CURE HOSPITAL - NCHS 22:46 22:47 17 1
BEGAMPET - BMT 22:48 22:49 18 1
SANJEEVAIAH PARK - SJVP 22:51 22:52 20 1
SECBAD JAMES ST - JET 22:53 22:54 21 1
SECUNDERABAD JN - SC 23:20 Dest 23 1


LPI-SC - 47195 covers 23 kilometer to reach destination.
LPI-SC - 47195 passes through 12 stations with scheduled stoppage.
LPI-SC - 47195 arrives at destination at 23:20.
LPI-SC - 47195 departs from source at 22:25.